This is actually a tough choice. First, before going forward, I want to stress that programming fundamentals are more important than language. If you haven’t already solved a few dozen puzzles on HackerRank, watched a hundred videos from MIT’s OpenCourseWare, and played around with your own algorithms, pick a language at random and get to it.
If you have already done that, then PHP and Python is, I think, only a choice that can be made with an eye toward future employment. Both offer massive job opportunities, but PHP is more focused toward n-tier application development. Further, PHP’s pay rates are suppressed by its historical baggage and the shadow of Wordpress.
Python, on the other hand, is nearly the lingua franca of machine learning development, and as such offers great opportunities in this growing field. Python is also used to build simple games and applications, and used widely for n-tier applications and websites. Ultimately, there are more, better opportunities with Python.
As such, to attempt to best answer the question for you, I think you should learn Python. I hate its syntax, but you may love it. Further, Python has more, advanced thinkers and builders working in it than PHP does, meaning that growing out of Python and into other languages may prove easier. Because ultimately, I think your goal for either language should be to learn enough to leave it behind.